
Blog posts of '2021' 'August'

Interview with Artemio
Interview with Artemio
В разгар туристического сезона, когда сотни людей ежедневно приезжают в Афины за впечатлениями, новыми гастрономическими вкусами и шоппингом, мы встретились с Артемием Вахтанидисом, в чьих руках бразды правления семейным бизнесом.
Video about our shop
Video about our shop
We are very excited to introduce you a video about our shop and the service that we provide to our customers. There you can see who we are and what we offer.
Chinchilla jacket or rabbit?
Chinchilla jacket or rabbit?
Many tourists, who are visiting Greece, are interested in purchasing a beautiful and high-quality fur coat. But, sometimes, there are people who are disappointed with the previous experience of buying, people who were defrauded by tricky sellers.
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